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Eco Council - Good Stewards of Creation

As Christians, we are called to be 'good stewards of creation'That means we are meant to look after the world that God created for us. We must all work to leave our world in a better condition for the people who come after us.

Pope Francis says in his message, called 'Laudate Deum', that leaders must put the interests of our global family first in the negotiations. He warns that people in communities on the front line of the climate crisis will suffer the consequences if decision-makers fail to do so.

‘Creation is a gift, it is a wonderful gift that God has given us, so that we care for it and we use it for the benefit of all.’

‘Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience.’

Pope Francis, Laudato Si’

Our Pupil Eco Council

At the start of this year, our Eco Council completed the online 'Transform Our World' audit to help them develop an action plan for climate action in our school.

We are working on the following priorities this year:

  • To encourage more students to walk, cycle or scoot to school - cutting carbon use.

  • To develop more nature areas attracting more wildlife.

  • To encourage pupils, and staff, to turn off electrical items when they are not in use.

  • To encourage all classes to reduce, reuse and recycle paper.

  • To make pupils, and their parents, aware of the importance of buying Fairtrade items.

How will we achieve this?
Priorities Action
To encourage more students to walk, cycle or scoot to our school - cutting carbon use.

Involvement in the Walk to School initiative (Living Streets) and

World Car Free Day.

To develop nature areas attracting more wildlife.

Carry out the WWF nature audit.

Sign up to the National Education Nature Park initiative

Fundraising to purchase a minibeast hotel, planters, bird boxes etc. to attract more wildlife.

To encourage pupils, and staff, to turn off electrical items when they are not in use.

Our Eco Council will design 'switch off' reminder posters for each class and around our school.

School to sign-up to the 'Switch-off Fortnight' campaign (the Pod).

To encourage all classes to reduce, reuse and recycle paper.

Eco Council to order a recycling box for each class.

Pupil assembly encouraging our school community to reduce their use of paper, to reuse scrap paper and to recycle in each class.

Designate recycling monitors in each class.

To make pupils, and their parents, aware of the importance of buying Fairtrade.

Work towards the national Fairtrade Award.

Eco Council to run a Fairtrade stall for parents after school raising awareness.

Pupils to make Fairtrade cakes and carry out fundraising.

Involvement in the national Fairtrade Fortnight.